Thursday, December 12, 2013

Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose?

I'm working on party favors for my nephew's upcoming first birthday. Glee!

I'm making crochet nose covers. They're going to have little snow man faces. I'm still trying to figure out how to do the face part. Hopefully I still have some orange felt.

Today on the Liturgical Calendar:

Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Those of you who grew up watching Wishbone might remember there was an episode that told the story.
 Wasn't Wishbone an amazing show?! 

I celebrated by making some chicken quesadillas for dinner/lunch the next day. Our Lady of Guadalupe is probably one of my favorite icons and there are some beautiful pieces of art based on the image, including this amigurumi piece by one of my favorite amigurumists Allison Hoffman.  
Such a lovely piece. A true work of art made with crochet.

So if you'd like to celebrate today is a good day for some Mexican food and a few Hail Mary's. 

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